
Multilingual Factual Knowledge Retrieval from Pretrained Language Models

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X-FACTR is a multilingual benchmark for probing factual knowledge in language models. Prompts in 23 languages are created by native speakers to probe factual knowledge in LMs by having them fill in the blanks of prompts such as “Punta Cana is located in _.” We provide both the benchmark containing prompts and facts and the code to evaluate LMs. For more details, check out our paper X-FACTR: Multilingual Factual Knowledge Retrieval from Pretrained Language Models and code.


Clone the Github repository and run the following command:

git clone https://github.com/jzbjyb/X-FACTR.git
conda create -n xfactr -y python=3.7 && conda activate xfactr && ./setup.sh


Default Decoding

Run LMs on the X-FACTR benchmark with the default decoding (i.e., independently predict multiple tokens) methods:

python scripts/probe.py --model $LM --lang $LANG --pred_dir $OUTPUT

where $LM is the LM to probe (e.g., mbert_base), $LANG is the language (e.g., nl), and $OUTPUT is the folder to store predictions. Evaluate the predictions with python scripts/ana.py --model $LM --lang $LANG --inp $OUTPUT

Confidence-based Decoding

Alternatively, you can run LMs on the X-FACTR benchmark with the confidence-based decoding methods:

python scripts/probe.py --model $LM --lang $LANG --pred_dir $OUTPUT --init_method confidence --iter_method confidence --max_iter 10


Supported languages

Supported LMs
